Launching my new t-shirt business: Razortown!

  • Posted on 13th October 2013,
  • written by
Launching my new t-shirt business: Razortown!

After spending the last few months working hard to set up a little t-shirt business (and after a few false starts) the exciting moment has finally arrived: Razortown is up and running! Like a lot of creative types, I’ve been wanting to design and sell my own t-shirts for ever, and now I finally have my tees available for the world to see (and hopefully buy).

Razortown t-shirts have an emphasis on interesting and eye-catching designs. I wanted to create designer tees at an affordable price.  There is a playfully subversive element that runs throughout the Razortown brand, giving it a unique voice and style that I hope will resonate with people looking for a quirky fashion alternative.